
The module provides a collection of ASCII art illustrations and utilities for displaying or saving them. This documentation outlines the available ASCII art, the dictionary structure, and how to use the print_art function to interact with the artwork.


  • A dictionary of predefined ASCII art.

  • Flexible options to display one, multiple, or all available ASCII art illustrations.

  • Capability to save the output to a specified file and directory.

ASCII Art Collection

The ascii_art dictionary contains the following predefined artworks:

  • eda_toolkit_logo: ASCII representation of the EDA Toolkit logo.

  • leon_shpaner_bb: ASCII art of “Leon Shpaner” with a black background.

  • leon_shpaner_wb: ASCII art of “Leon Shpaner” with a white background.

  • oscar_gil_bb: ASCII art of “Oscar Gil” with a black background.

  • oscar_gil_wb: ASCII art of “Oscar Gil” with a white background.

  • royce_hall_bb: ASCII art of UCLA’s Royce Hall with a black background.

  • royce_hall_wb: ASCII art of UCLA’s Royce Hall with a white background.

  • ca_state_bb: ASCII art of the State of California with a black background.

  • ca_state_wb: ASCII art of the State of California with a white background.

Print ASCII art based on user input and optionally save output to a specified path.

  • art_names (str) – Names of the ASCII art to print. Each name should match a key in the ascii_art dictionary.

  • all (bool, optional) – If True, all available ASCII art will be printed. Defaults to False.

  • output_file (str, optional) – Name of the file to save the output. Defaults to .txt if no extension is provided.

  • output_path (str, optional) – Directory where the output file should be saved. If not specified, the current working directory will be used. Non-existent directories will be created automatically.


ValueError – If both art_names and all=True are specified simultaneously.


Display a Logo Artwork:

from art import print_art

|  _____   ____       _              _____                   _   _      _   _    |
| | ____| |  _ \     / \            |_   _|   ___     ___   | | | | __ (_) | |_  |
| |  _|   | | | |   / _ \    _____    | |    / _ \   / _ \  | | | |/ / | | | __| |
| | |___  | |_| |  / ___ \  |_____|   | |   | (_) | | (_) | | | |   <  | | | |_  |
| |_____| |____/  /_/   \_\           |_|    \___/   \___/  |_| |_|\_\ |_|  \__| |
|                                                                                |

Display Leon Shpaner Image:

from art import print_art

                           Leon Shpaner


Display Oscar Gil Image:

from art import print_art

                                 Oscar Gil


Display Grey Alien Image:

from art import print_art


Display UCLA Royce Hall Image:

from art import print_art

                %############+                       %############%
                @###%*#%#####*                      %%####%####%##%
                %##%@*%%*@####*                     %@###@%###@%##%
                %##%@+@@*@####*                     @@###@####@%###
                ###%@+@%*@####*                     @@###@####@###%
                ###********####   UCLA Royce Hall   @@##********###
                ###############                     @@#############
                ###############                     %@#############
                ###############     ##*##%##*##     %@#############
                ####################%+#@@%@@########%##############    @@@@@@%

Display California State Image:

from art import print_art

   ..                           ...
    . =@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@-.
              .+@%+@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#. .
                              .... ...   . ..:@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%.
                                          . =:.  ..%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.
                                    .=.      ..    ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*.
                                      .   . :.      ..%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%=.
                                            .+.      .#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.
                                             .        .*@@@@@@%*+=-:::.......
                                                      .. .  ..

Display All Artworks on Black Background:

from art import print_art


Display All Artwork:

from art import print_art


Save Artwork to a File:

from art import print_art

print_art("royce_hall_bb", output_file="royce_hall.txt", output_path="./artworks")

Handle Missing Artwork:

from art import print_art

'unknown_art' not found. Available options are: eda_toolkit_logo, leon_shpaner_bb, ...

Key Details

  • Default Behavior: If no artwork name is provided and all is False, a list of available options is displayed.

  • Output Handling: If output_file and output_path are specified, the function creates the directory (if needed) and saves the ASCII art to the file.


Ensure that the ascii_art dictionary contains the desired artwork and keys are correctly referenced when using the print_art function.