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This guide provides detailed instructions and examples for using the functions provided in the eda_toolkit library and how to use them effectively in your projects.

For most of the ensuing examples, we will leverage the Census Income Data (1994) from the UCI Machine Learning Repository [1]. This dataset provides a rich source of information for demonstrating the functionalities of the eda_toolkit.

Data Preparation and Management

Path directories

Ensure that the directory exists. If not, create it.


path (str) – The path to the directory that needs to be ensured.



The ensure_directory function is a utility designed to facilitate the management of directory paths within your project. When working with data science projects, it is common to save and load data, images, and other artifacts from specific directories. This function helps in making sure that these directories exist before any read/write operations are performed. If the specified directory does not exist, the function creates it. If it already exists, it does nothing, thus preventing any errors related to missing directories.

Example Usage

In the example below, we demonstrate how to use the ensure_directory function to verify and create directories as needed. This example sets up paths for data and image directories, ensuring they exist before performing any operations that depend on them.

First, we define the base path as the parent directory of the current directory. The os.pardir constant, equivalent to ".."", is used to navigate up one directory level. Then, we define paths for the data directory and data output directory, both located one level up from the current directory.

Next, we set paths for the PNG and SVG image directories, located within an images folder in the parent directory. Using the ensure_directory function, we then verify that these directories exist. If any of the specified directories do not exist, the function creates them.

from eda_toolkit import ensure_directory

import os # import operating system for dir

base_path = os.path.join(os.pardir)

# Go up one level from 'notebooks' to parent directory,
# then into the 'data' folder
data_path = os.path.join(os.pardir, "data")
data_output = os.path.join(os.pardir, "data_output")

# create image paths
image_path_png = os.path.join(base_path, "images", "png_images")
image_path_svg = os.path.join(base_path, "images", "svg_images")

# Use the function to ensure'data' directory exists


Created directory: ../data
Created directory: ../data_output
Created directory: ../images/png_images
Created directory: ../images/svg_images

Adding Unique Identifiers

Add a column of unique IDs with a specified number of digits to the dataframe.

add_ids(df, id_colname='ID', num_digits=9, seed=None, set_as_index=True)
  • df (pd.DataFrame) – The dataframe to add IDs to.

  • id_colname (str) – The name of the new column for the IDs.

  • num_digits (int) – The number of digits for the unique IDs.

  • seed (int, optional) – The seed for the random number generator. Defaults to None.

  • set_as_index (bool, optional) – Whether to set the new ID column as the index. Defaults to False.


The updated dataframe with the new ID column.

Return type:


The add_ids function is used to append a column of unique identifiers with a specified number of digits to a given dataframe. This is particularly useful for creating unique patient or record IDs in datasets. The function allows you to specify a custom column name for the IDs, the number of digits for each ID, and optionally set a seed for the random number generator to ensure reproducibility. Additionally, you can choose whether to set the new ID column as the index of the dataframe.

Example Usage

In the example below, we demonstrate how to use the add_ids function to add a column of unique IDs to a dataframe. We start by importing the necessary libraries and creating a sample dataframe. We then use the add_ids function to generate and append a column of unique IDs with a specified number of digits to the dataframe.

First, we import the pandas library and the add_ids function from the eda_toolkit. Then, we create a sample dataframe with some data. We call the add_ids function, specifying the dataframe, the column name for the IDs, the number of digits for each ID, a seed for reproducibility, and whether to set the new ID column as the index. The function generates unique IDs for each row and adds them as the first column in the dataframe.

from eda_toolkit import add_ids

# Add a column of unique IDs with 9 digits and call it "census_id"
df = add_ids(


First 5 Rows of Census Income Data (Adapted from Kohavi, 1996, UCI Machine Learning Repository) [1]

DataFrame index is unique.
age workclass fnlwgt education education-num marital-status occupation relationship
74130842 39 State-gov 77516 Bachelors 13 Never-married Adm-clerical Not-in-family
97751875 50 Self-emp-not-inc 83311 Bachelors 13 Married-civ-spouse Exec-managerial Husband
12202842 38 Private 215646 HS-grad 9 Divorced Handlers-cleaners Not-in-family
96078789 53 Private 234721 11th 7 Married-civ-spouse Handlers-cleaners Husband
35130194 28 Private 338409 Bachelors 13 Married-civ-spouse Prof-specialty Wife

Trailing Period Removal

Strip the trailing period from floats in a specified column of a DataFrame, if present.

strip_trailing_period(df, column_name)
  • df (pd.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the column to be processed.

  • column_name (str) – The name of the column containing floats with potential trailing periods.


The updated DataFrame with the trailing periods removed from the specified column.

Return type:


The strip_trailing_period function is designed to remove trailing periods from float values in a specified column of a DataFrame. This can be particularly useful when dealing with data that has been inconsistently formatted, ensuring that all float values are correctly represented.

Example Usage

In the example below, we demonstrate how to use the strip_trailing_period function to clean a column in a DataFrame. We start by importing the necessary libraries and creating a sample DataFrame. We then use the strip_trailing_period function to remove any trailing periods from the specified column.

from eda_toolkit import strip_trailing_period

# Create a sample dataframe with trailing periods in some values
data = {
    "values": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.],
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Remove trailing periods from the 'values' column
df = strip_trailing_period(df=df, column_name="values")


First 6 Rows of Data Before and After Removing Trailing Periods (Adapted from Example)

Index Value
0 1.0
1 2.0
2 3.0
3 4.0
4 5.0
5 6.
Index Value
0 1.0
1 2.0
2 3.0
3 4.0
4 5.0
5 6.0

Note: The last row shows 6 as an int with a trailing period with its conversion to float.

Standardized Dates

Parse and standardize date strings based on the provided rule.


This function takes a date string and standardizes it to the ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). It assumes dates are provided in either day/month/year or month/day/year format. The function first checks if the first part of the date string (day or month) is greater than 12, which unambiguously indicates a day/month/year format. If the first part is 12 or less, the function attempts to parse the date as month/day/year, falling back to day/month/year if the former raises a ValueError due to an impossible date (e.g., month being greater than 12).


date_str (str) – A date string to be standardized.


A standardized date string in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Return type:



ValueError – If date_str is in an unrecognized format or if the function cannot parse the date.

Example Usage

In the example below, we demonstrate how to use the parse_date_with_rule function to standardize date strings. We start by importing the necessary library and creating a sample list of date strings. We then use the parse_date_with_rule function to parse and standardize each date string to the ISO 8601 format.

from eda_toolkit import parse_date_with_rule

# Sample date strings
date_strings = ["15/04/2021", "04/15/2021", "01/12/2020", "12/01/2020"]

# Standardize the date strings
standardized_dates = [parse_date_with_rule(date) for date in date_strings]



['2021-04-15', '2021-04-15', '2020-12-01', '2020-01-12']


In the next example, we demonstrate how to apply the parse_date_with_rule function to a DataFrame column containing date strings using the .apply() method. This is particularly useful when you need to standardize date formats across an entire column in a DataFrame.

# Creating the DataFrame
data = {
    "date_column": [
    "name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eve"],
    "amount": [100.0, 150.5, 200.75, 250.25, 300.0],

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Apply the function to the DataFrame column
df["standardized_date"] = df["date_column"].apply(parse_date_with_rule)



   date_column     name  amount standardized_date
0   31/12/2021    Alice  100.00        2021-12-31
1   01/01/2022      Bob  150.50        2022-01-01
2   12/31/2021  Charlie  200.75        2021-12-31
3   13/02/2022    David  250.25        2022-02-13
4   07/04/2022      Eve  300.00        2022-04-07

DataFrame Analysis

Analyze DataFrame columns, including dtype, null values, and unique value counts.


This function analyzes the columns of a DataFrame, providing details about the data type, the number and percentage of null values, the total number of unique values, and the most frequent unique value along with its count and percentage. It handles special cases such as converting date columns and replacing empty strings with Pandas NA values.


df (pandas.DataFrame) – The DataFrame to analyze.


A DataFrame with the analysis results for each column.

Return type:


Example Usage

In the example below, we demonstrate how to use the dataframe_columns function to analyze a DataFrame’s columns.

from eda_toolkit import dataframe_columns



Result on Census Income Data (Adapted from Kohavi, 1996, UCI Machine Learning Repository) [1]

Shape:  (48842, 16)

Total seconds of processing time: 0.861555
column dtype null_total null_pct unique_values_total max_unique_value max_unique_value_total max_unique_value_pct
0 age int64 0 0 74 36 1348 2.76
1 workclass object 963 1.97 9 Private 33906 69.42
2 fnlwgt int64 0 0 28523 203488 21 0.04
3 education object 0 0 16 HS-grad 15784 32.32
4 education-num int64 0 0 16 9 15784 32.32
5 marital-status object 0 0 7 Married-civ-spouse 22379 45.82
6 occupation object 966 1.98 15 Prof-specialty 6172 12.64
7 relationship object 0 0 6 Husband 19716 40.37
8 race object 0 0 5 White 41762 85.5
9 sex object 0 0 2 Male 32650 66.85
10 capital-gain int64 0 0 123 0 44807 91.74
11 capital-loss int64 0 0 99 0 46560 95.33
12 hours-per-week int64 0 0 96 40 22803 46.69
13 native-country object 274 0.56 42 United-States 43832 89.74
14 income object 0 0 4 <=50K 24720 50.61
15 age_group category 0 0 9 18-29 13920 28.5

Generating Summary Tables for Variable Combinations

This function generates summary tables for all possible combinations of specified variables in a DataFrame and save them to an Excel file.

summarize_all_combinations(df, variables, data_path, data_name, min_length=2)
  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The pandas DataFrame containing the data.

  • variables (list) – List of unique variables to generate combinations.

  • data_path (str) – Path where the output Excel file will be saved.

  • data_name (str) – Name of the output Excel file.

  • min_length (int) – Minimum length of combinations to generate. Defaults to 2.


A dictionary of summary tables and a list of all generated combinations.

Return type:

tuple(dict, list)

The function returns two outputs:

1. summary_tables: A dictionary where each key is a tuple representing a combination of variables, and each value is a DataFrame containing the summary table for that combination. Each summary table includes the count and proportion of occurrences for each unique combination of values.

2. all_combinations: A list of all generated combinations of the specified variables. This is useful for understanding which combinations were analyzed and included in the summary tables.

Example Usage

Below, we use the summarize_all_combinations function to generate summary tables for the specified variables from a DataFrame containing the census data [1].

from eda_toolkit import summarize_all_combinations

# Define unique variables for the analysis
unique_vars = [

# Generate summary tables for all combinations of the specified variables
summary_tables, all_combinations = summarize_all_combinations(

# Print all combinations of variables


[('age_group', 'workclass'),
('age_group', 'education'),
('age_group', 'occupation'),
('age_group', 'race'),
('age_group', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'income'),
('workclass', 'education'),
('workclass', 'occupation'),
('workclass', 'race'),
('workclass', 'sex'),
('workclass', 'income'),
('education', 'occupation'),
('education', 'race'),
('education', 'sex'),
('education', 'income'),
('occupation', 'race'),
('occupation', 'sex'),
('occupation', 'income'),
('race', 'sex'),
('race', 'income'),
('sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'occupation'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'race'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'income'),
('age_group', 'education', 'occupation'),
('age_group', 'education', 'race'),
('age_group', 'education', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'education', 'income'),
('age_group', 'occupation', 'race'),
('age_group', 'occupation', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'occupation', 'income'),
('age_group', 'race', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'race', 'income'),
('age_group', 'sex', 'income'),
('workclass', 'education', 'occupation'),
('workclass', 'education', 'race'),
('workclass', 'education', 'sex'),
('workclass', 'education', 'income'),
('workclass', 'occupation', 'race'),
('workclass', 'occupation', 'sex'),
('workclass', 'occupation', 'income'),
('workclass', 'race', 'sex'),
('workclass', 'race', 'income'),
('workclass', 'sex', 'income'),
('education', 'occupation', 'race'),
('education', 'occupation', 'sex'),
('education', 'occupation', 'income'),
('education', 'race', 'sex'),
('education', 'race', 'income'),
('education', 'sex', 'income'),
('occupation', 'race', 'sex'),
('occupation', 'race', 'income'),
('occupation', 'sex', 'income'),
('race', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'occupation'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'race'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'occupation', 'race'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'occupation', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'occupation', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'race', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'race', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'education', 'occupation', 'race'),
('age_group', 'education', 'occupation', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'education', 'occupation', 'income'),
('age_group', 'education', 'race', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'education', 'race', 'income'),
('age_group', 'education', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'occupation', 'race', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'occupation', 'race', 'income'),
('age_group', 'occupation', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),
('workclass', 'education', 'occupation', 'race'),
('workclass', 'education', 'occupation', 'sex'),
('workclass', 'education', 'occupation', 'income'),
('workclass', 'education', 'race', 'sex'),
('workclass', 'education', 'race', 'income'),
('workclass', 'education', 'sex', 'income'),
('workclass', 'occupation', 'race', 'sex'),
('workclass', 'occupation', 'race', 'income'),
('workclass', 'occupation', 'sex', 'income'),
('workclass', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),
('education', 'occupation', 'race', 'sex'),
('education', 'occupation', 'race', 'income'),
('education', 'occupation', 'sex', 'income'),
('education', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),
('occupation', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'occupation', 'race'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'occupation', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'occupation', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'race', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'race', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'occupation', 'race', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'occupation', 'race', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'occupation', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'education', 'occupation', 'race', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'education', 'occupation', 'race', 'income'),
('age_group', 'education', 'occupation', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'education', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'occupation', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),
('workclass', 'education', 'occupation', 'race', 'sex'),
('workclass', 'education', 'occupation', 'race', 'income'),
('workclass', 'education', 'occupation', 'sex', 'income'),
('workclass', 'education', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),
('workclass', 'occupation', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),
('education', 'occupation', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'occupation', 'race', 'sex'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'occupation', 'race', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'occupation', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'education', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'workclass', 'occupation', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),
('age_group', 'education', 'occupation', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),
('workclass', 'education', 'occupation', 'race', 'sex', 'income'),

When applied to the US Census data, the output Excel file will contain summary tables for all possible combinations of the specified variables. The first sheet will be a Table of Contents with hyperlinks to each summary table.

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Saving DataFrames to Excel with Customized Formatting

Save multiple DataFrames to separate sheets in an Excel file with customized formatting.

This section explains how to save multiple DataFrames to separate sheets in an Excel file with customized formatting using the save_dataframes_to_excel function.

save_dataframes_to_excel(file_path, df_dict, decimal_places=0)
  • file_path (str) – Full path to the output Excel file.

  • df_dict (dict) – Dictionary where keys are sheet names and values are DataFrames to save.

  • decimal_places (int) – Number of decimal places to round numeric columns. Default is 0.

  • The function will autofit columns and left-align text.

  • Numeric columns will be formatted with the specified number of decimal places.

  • Headers will be bold and left-aligned without borders.

The function performs the following tasks:

  • Writes each DataFrame to its respective sheet in the Excel file.

  • Rounds numeric columns to the specified number of decimal places.

  • Applies customized formatting to headers and cells.

  • Autofits columns based on the content length.

Example Usage

Below, we use the save_dataframes_to_excel function to save two DataFrames: the original DataFrame and a filtered DataFrame with ages between 18 and 40.

from eda_toolkit import save_dataframes_to_excel

# Example usage
file_name = "df_census.xlsx"  # Name of the output Excel file
file_path = os.path.join(data_path, file_name)

# filter DataFrame to Ages 18-40
filtered_df = df[(df["age"] > 18) & (df["age"] < 40)]

df_dict = {
    "original_df": df,
    "ages_18_to_40": filtered_df,



The output Excel file will contain the original DataFrame and a filtered DataFrame as a separate tab with ages between 18 and 40, each on separate sheets with customized formatting.

Creating Contingency Tables

Create a contingency table from one or more columns in a DataFrame, with sorting options.

This section explains how to create contingency tables from one or more columns in a DataFrame using the contingency_table function.

contingency_table(df, cols=None, sort_by=0)
  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The DataFrame to analyze.

  • cols (str or list, optional) – Name of the column (as a string) for a single column or list of column names for multiple columns. Must provide at least one column.

  • sort_by (int) – Enter 0 to sort results by column groups; enter 1 to sort results by totals in descending order.


ValueError – If no columns are specified or if sort_by is not 0 or 1.


A DataFrame with the specified columns, 'Total', and 'Percentage'.

Return type:


Example Usage

Below, we use the contingency_table function to create a contingency table from the specified columns in a DataFrame containing census data [1]

from eda_toolkit import contingency_table

# Example usage


The output will be a contingency table with the specified columns, showing the total counts and percentages of occurrences for each combination of values. The table will be sorted by the 'Total' column in descending order because sort_by is set to 1.

    age_group     workclass                race     sex  Total  Percentage
0       30-39       Private               White    Male   5856       11.99
1       18-29       Private               White    Male   5623       11.51
2       40-49       Private               White    Male   4267        8.74
3       18-29       Private               White  Female   3680        7.53
4       50-59       Private               White    Male   2565        5.25
..        ...           ...                 ...     ...    ...         ...
467     50-59   Federal-gov               Other    Male      1        0.00
468     50-59     Local-gov  Asian-Pac-Islander  Female      1        0.00
469     70-79  Self-emp-inc               Black    Male      1        0.00
470     80-89     Local-gov  Asian-Pac-Islander    Male      1        0.00
471                                                      48842      100.00

[472 rows x 6 columns]

Highlighting Specific Columns in a DataFrame

This section explains how to highlight specific columns in a DataFrame using the highlight_columns function.

Highlight specific columns in a DataFrame with a specified background color.

highlight_columns(df, columns, color='yellow')
  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The DataFrame to be styled.

  • columns (list of str) – List of column names to be highlighted.

  • color (str, optional) – The background color to be applied for highlighting (default is “yellow”).


A Styler object with the specified columns highlighted.

Return type:


Example Usage

Below, we use the highlight_columns function to highlight the age and education columns in the first 5 rows of the census [1] DataFrame with a pink background color.

from eda_toolkit import highlight_columns

# Applying the highlight function
highlighted_df = highlight_columns(
    columns=["age", "education"],



The output will be a DataFrame with the specified columns highlighted in the given background color. The age and education columns will be highlighted in pink.

The resulting styled DataFrame can be displayed in a Jupyter Notebook or saved to an HTML file using the .render() method of the Styler object.

age workclass fnlwgt education education-num marital-status occupation relationship
82943611 39 State-gov 77516 Bachelors 13 Never-married Adm-clerical Not-in-family
42643227 50 Self-emp-not-inc 83311 Bachelors 13 Married-civ-spouse Exec-managerial Husband
93837254 38 Private 215646 HS-grad 9 Divorced Handlers-cleaners Not-in-family
87104229 53 Private 234721 11th 7 Married-civ-spouse Handlers-cleaners Husband
90069867 28 Private 338409 Bachelors 13 Married-civ-spouse Prof-specialty Wife

Binning Numerical Columns

If your DataFrame (e.g., the census data [1]) does not have age or any other numerical column of interest binned, you can apply the following binning logic to categorize the data. Below, we use the age column from the UCI Machine Learning Repository as an example:

# Create age bins so that the ages can be categorized
bin_ages = [

# Create labels for the bins
label_ages = [
    "< 18",
    "100 +",

# Categorize the ages and assign to a new variable
df["age_group"] = pd.cut(

Note: This code snippet creates age bins and assigns a corresponding age group label to each age in the DataFrame. The pd.cut function from pandas is used to categorize the ages and assign them to a new column, age_group. Adjust the bins and labels as needed for your specific data.

KDE and Histogram Distribution Plots

Generate KDE or histogram distribution plots for specified columns in a DataFrame.

The kde_distributions function is a versatile tool designed for generating Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) plots, histograms, or a combination of both for specified columns within a DataFrame. This function is particularly useful for visualizing the distribution of numerical data across various categories or groups. It leverages the powerful seaborn library [2] for plotting, which is built on top of matplotlib [3] and provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive and informative statistical graphics.

Key Features and Parameters

  • Flexible Plotting: The function supports creating histograms, KDE plots, or a combination of both for specified columns, allowing users to visualize data distributions effectively.

  • Leverages Seaborn Library: The function is built on the seaborn library, which provides high-level, attractive visualizations, making it easy to create complex plots with minimal code.

  • Customization: Users have control over plot aesthetics, such as colors, fill options, grid sizes, axis labels, tick marks, and more, allowing them to tailor the visualizations to their needs.

  • Scientific Notation Control: The function allows disabling scientific notation on the axes, providing better readability for certain types of data.

  • Log Scaling: The function includes an option to apply logarithmic scaling to specific variables, which is useful when dealing with data that spans several orders of magnitude.

  • Output Options: The function supports saving plots as PNG or SVG files, with customizable filenames and output directories, making it easy to integrate the plots into reports or presentations.

kde_distributions(df, vars_of_interest=None, grid_figsize=(10, 8), single_figsize=(6, 4), kde=True, hist_color='#0000FF', kde_color='#FF0000', hist_edgecolor='#000000', hue=None, fill=True, fill_alpha=1, n_rows=1, n_cols=1, w_pad=1.0, h_pad=1.0, image_path_png=None, image_path_svg=None, image_filename=None, bbox_inches=None, single_var_image_path_png=None, single_var_image_path_svg=None, single_var_image_filename=None, y_axis_label='Density', plot_type='both', log_scale_vars=None, bins='auto', binwidth=None, label_fontsize=10, tick_fontsize=10, text_wrap=50, disable_sci_notation=False, stat='density', xlim=None, ylim=None)
  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the data to plot.

  • vars_of_interest (list of str, optional) – List of column names for which to generate distribution plots.

  • grid_figsize (tuple, optional) – Size of the overall grid figure, default is (10, 8).

  • single_figsize (tuple, optional) – Size of individual figures for each variable, default is (6, 4).

  • kde (bool, optional) – Whether to include KDE plots on the histograms, default is True.

  • hist_color (str, optional) – Color of the histogram bars, default is '#0000FF'.

  • kde_color (str, optional) – Color of the KDE plot, default is '#FF0000'.

  • hist_edgecolor (str, optional) – Color of the histogram bar edges, default is '#000000'.

  • hue (str, optional) – Column name to group data by, adding different colors for each group.

  • fill (bool, optional) – Whether to fill the histogram bars with color, default is True.

  • fill_alpha (float, optional) – Alpha transparency for the fill color of the histogram bars, where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque. Default is 1.

  • n_rows (int, optional) – Number of rows in the subplot grid, default is 1.

  • n_cols (int, optional) – Number of columns in the subplot grid, default is 1.

  • w_pad (float, optional) – Width padding between subplots, default is 1.0.

  • h_pad (float, optional) – Height padding between subplots, default is 1.0.

  • image_path_png (str, optional) – Directory path to save the PNG image of the overall distribution plots.

  • image_path_svg (str, optional) – Directory path to save the SVG image of the overall distribution plots.

  • image_filename (str, optional) – Filename to use when saving the overall distribution plots.

  • bbox_inches (str, optional) – Bounding box to use when saving the figure. For example, 'tight'.

  • single_var_image_path_png (str, optional) – Directory path to save the PNG images of the separate distribution plots.

  • single_var_image_path_svg (str, optional) – Directory path to save the SVG images of the separate distribution plots.

  • single_var_image_filename (str, optional) – Filename to use when saving the separate distribution plots. The variable name will be appended to this filename.

  • y_axis_label (str, optional) – The label to display on the y-axis, default is 'Density'.

  • plot_type (str, optional) – The type of plot to generate, options are 'hist', 'kde', or 'both'. Default is 'both'.

  • log_scale_vars (list of str, optional) – List of variable names to apply log scaling.

  • bins (int or sequence, optional) – Specification of histogram bins, default is 'auto'.

  • binwidth (number or pair of numbers, optional) – Width of each bin, overrides bins but can be used with binrange.

  • label_fontsize (int, optional) – Font size for axis labels, including xlabel, ylabel, and tick marks, default is 10.

  • tick_fontsize (int, optional) – Font size for axis tick labels, default is 10.

  • text_wrap (int, optional) – Maximum width of the title text before wrapping, default is 50.

  • disable_sci_notation (bool, optional) – Toggle to disable scientific notation on axes, default is False.

  • stat (str, optional) – Aggregate statistic to compute in each bin (e.g., 'count', 'frequency', 'probability', 'percent', 'density'), default is 'density'.

  • xlim (tuple or list, optional) – Limits for the x-axis as a tuple or list of (min, max).

  • ylim (tuple or list, optional) – Limits for the y-axis as a tuple or list of (min, max).

  • ValueError

    • If plot_type is not one of 'hist', 'kde', or 'both'.

    • If stat is not one of 'count', 'density', 'frequency', 'probability', 'proportion', 'percent'.

    • If log_scale_vars contains variables that are not present in the DataFrame.

    • If fill is set to False and hist_edgecolor is not the default.

  • UserWarning

    • If stat is set to ‘count’ while kde is True, as it may produce misleading plots.

    • If both bins and binwidth are specified, which may affect performance.



KDE and Histograms Example

In the below example, the kde_distributions function is used to generate histograms for several variables of interest: "age", "education-num", and "hours-per-week". These variables represent different demographic and financial attributes from the dataset. The kde=True parameter ensures that a Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) plot is overlaid on the histograms, providing a smoothed representation of the data’s probability density.

The visualizations are arranged in a single row of four columns, as specified by n_rows=1 and n_cols=3, respectively. The overall size of the grid figure is set to 14 inches wide and 4 inches tall (grid_figsize=(14, 4)), while each individual plot is configured to be 4 inches by 4 inches (single_figsize=(4, 4)). The fill=True parameter fills the histogram bars with color, and the spacing between the subplots is managed using w_pad=1 and h_pad=1, which add 1 inch of padding both horizontally and vertically.

To handle longer titles, the text_wrap=50 parameter ensures that the title text wraps to a new line after 50 characters. The bbox_inches="tight" setting is used when saving the figure, ensuring that it is cropped to remove any excess whitespace around the edges. The variables specified in vars_of_interest are passed directly to the function for visualization.

Each plot is saved individually with filenames that are prefixed by "kde_density_single_distribution", followed by the variable name. The `y-axis` for all plots is labeled as “Density” (y_axis_label="Density"), reflecting that the height of the bars or KDE line represents the data’s density. The histograms are divided into 10 bins (bins=10), offering a clear view of the distribution of each variable.

The plot_type="hist" parameter indicates that only histograms will be generated for each variable. Additionally, the font sizes for the axis labels and tick labels are set to 16 points (label_fontsize=16) and 14 points (tick_fontsize=14), respectively, ensuring that all text within the plots is legible and well-formatted.

from eda_toolkit import kde_distributions

vars_of_interest = [

    grid_figsize=(14, 4),  # Size of the overall grid figure
    single_figsize=(4, 4),  # Size of individual figures
    label_fontsize=16,  # Font size for axis labels
    tick_fontsize=14,  # Font size for tick labels
KDE Distributions - KDE (+) Histograms (Density)

Histogram Example (Density)

In this example, the kde_distributions function is used to generate histograms for the variables "age", "education-num", and "hours-per-week" but with kde=False, meaning no KDE plots are included—only histograms are displayed. The plots are arranged in a single row of four columns (n_rows=1, n_cols=3), with a grid size of 14x4 inches (grid_figsize=(14, 4)). The histograms are divided into 10 bins (bins=10), and the y-axis is labeled “Density” (y_axis_label="Density"). Font sizes for the axis labels and tick labels are set to 16 and 14 points, respectively, ensuring clarity in the visualizations. This setup focuses on the histogram representation without the KDE overlay.

from eda_toolkit import kde_distributions

vars_of_interest = [

    grid_figsize=(14, 4),  # Size of the overall grid figure
    single_figsize=(4, 4),  # Size of individual figures
    label_fontsize=16,  # Font size for axis labels
    tick_fontsize=14,  # Font size for tick labels
KDE Distributions - Histograms (Density)

Histogram Example (Count)

In this example, the kde_distributions function is modified to generate histograms with a few key changes. The hist_color is set to “orange”, changing the color of the histogram bars. The `y-axis` label is updated to “Count” (y_axis_label="Count"), reflecting that the histograms display the count of observations within each bin. Additionally, the stat parameter is set to “Count” to show the actual counts instead of densities. The rest of the parameters remain the same as in the previous example, with the plots arranged in a single row of four columns (n_rows=1, n_cols=4), a grid size of 14x4 inches, and a bin count of 10. This setup focuses on visualizing the raw counts in the dataset using orange-colored histograms.

from eda_toolkit import kde_distributions

vars_of_interest = [

    grid_figsize=(14, 4),  # Size of the overall grid figure
    single_figsize=(4, 4),  # Size of individual figures
    label_fontsize=16,  # Font size for axis labels
    tick_fontsize=14,  # Font size for tick labels
KDE Distributions - Histograms (Count)

Stacked Crosstab Plots

Generates stacked bar plots and crosstabs for specified columns in a DataFrame.

The stacked_crosstab_plot function is a versatile tool for generating stacked bar plots and contingency tables (crosstabs) from a pandas DataFrame. This function is particularly useful for visualizing categorical data across multiple columns, allowing users to easily compare distributions and relationships between variables. It offers extensive customization options, including control over plot appearance, color schemes, and the ability to save plots in multiple formats.

The function also supports generating both regular and normalized stacked bar plots, with the option to return the generated crosstabs as a dictionary for further analysis.

stacked_crosstab_plot(df, col, func_col, legend_labels_list, title, kind='bar', width=0.9, rot=0, custom_order=None, image_path_png=None, image_path_svg=None, save_formats=None, color=None, output='both', return_dict=False, x=None, y=None, p=None, file_prefix=None, logscale=False, plot_type='both', show_legend=True, label_fontsize=12, tick_fontsize=10, text_wrap=50, remove_stacks=False)

Generates stacked or regular bar plots and crosstabs for specified columns.

This function allows users to create stacked bar plots (or regular bar plots if stacks are removed) and corresponding crosstabs for specific columns in a DataFrame. It provides options to customize the appearance, including font sizes for axis labels, tick labels, and title text wrapping, and to choose between regular or normalized plots.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the data to plot.

  • col (str) – The name of the column in the DataFrame to be analyzed.

  • func_col (list) – List of ground truth columns to be analyzed.

  • legend_labels_list (list) – List of legend labels for each ground truth column.

  • title (list) – List of titles for the plots.

  • kind (str, optional) – The kind of plot to generate ('bar' or 'barh' for horizontal bars), default is 'bar'.

  • width (float, optional) – The width of the bars in the bar plot, default is 0.9.

  • rot (int, optional) – The rotation angle of the x-axis labels, default is 0.

  • custom_order (list, optional) – Specifies a custom order for the categories in the col.

  • image_path_png (str, optional) – Directory path where generated PNG plot images will be saved.

  • image_path_svg (str, optional) – Directory path where generated SVG plot images will be saved.

  • save_formats (list, optional) – List of file formats to save the plot images in.

  • color (list, optional) – List of colors to use for the plots. If not provided, a default color scheme is used.

  • output (str, optional) – Specify the output type: "plots_only", "crosstabs_only", or "both". Default is "both".

  • return_dict (bool, optional) – Specify whether to return the crosstabs dictionary, default is False.

  • x (int, optional) – The width of the figure.

  • y (int, optional) – The height of the figure.

  • p (int, optional) – The padding between the subplots.

  • file_prefix (str, optional) – Prefix for the filename when output includes plots.

  • logscale (bool, optional) – Apply log scale to the y-axis, default is False.

  • plot_type (str, optional) – Specify the type of plot to generate: "both", "regular", "normalized". Default is "both".

  • show_legend (bool, optional) – Specify whether to show the legend, default is True.

  • label_fontsize (int, optional) – Font size for axis labels, default is 12.

  • tick_fontsize (int, optional) – Font size for tick labels on the axes, default is 10.

  • text_wrap (int, optional) – The maximum width of the title text before wrapping, default is 50.

  • remove_stacks (bool, optional) – If True, removes stacks and creates a regular bar plot using only the col parameter. Only works when plot_type is set to 'regular'. Default is False.

  • xlim (tuple or list, optional) – Limits for the x-axis as a tuple or list of (min, max).

  • ylim (tuple or list, optional) – Limits for the y-axis as a tuple or list of (min, max).

  • ValueError

    • If output is not one of "both", "plots_only", or "crosstabs_only".

    • If plot_type is not one of "both", "regular", "normalized".

    • If remove_stacks is set to True and plot_type is not "regular".

    • If the lengths of title, func_col, and legend_labels_list are not equal.

  • KeyError – If any columns specified in col or func_col are missing in the DataFrame.


Dictionary of crosstabs DataFrames if return_dict is True. Otherwise, returns None.

Return type:

dict or None

Stacked Bar Plots With Crosstabs Example

The provided code snippet demonstrates how to use the stacked_crosstab_plot function to generate stacked bar plots and corresponding crosstabs for different columns in a DataFrame. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the code using the census dataset as an example [1].

First, the func_col list is defined, specifying the columns ["sex", "income"] to be analyzed. These columns will be used in the loop to generate separate plots. The legend_labels_list is then defined, with each entry corresponding to a column in func_col. In this case, the labels for the sex column are ["Male", "Female"], and for the income column, they are ["<=50K", ">50K"]. These labels will be used to annotate the legends of the plots.

Next, the title list is defined, providing titles for each plot corresponding to the columns in func_col. The titles are set to ["Sex", "Income"], which will be displayed on top of each respective plot.

# Define the func_col to use in the loop in order of usage
func_col = ["sex", "income"]

# Define the legend_labels to use in the loop
legend_labels_list = [
    ["Male", "Female"],
    ["<=50K", ">50K"],

# Define titles for the plots
title = [


If you assign the function to a variable, the dictionary returned when return_dict=True will be suppressed in the output. However, the dictionary is still available within the assigned variable for further use.

from eda_toolkit import stacked_crosstab_plot

# Call the stacked_crosstab_plot function
stacked_crosstabs = stacked_crosstab_plot(
    rot=45, # axis rotation angle
    color=["#00BFC4", "#F8766D"], # default color schema

The above example generates stacked bar plots for "sex" and "income" grouped by "education". The plots are executed with legends, labels, and tick sizes customized for clarity. The function returns a dictionary of crosstabs for further analysis or export.


Importance of Correctly Aligning Labels

It is crucial to properly align the elements in the legend_labels_list, title, and func_col parameters when using the stacked_crosstab_plot function. Each of these lists must be ordered consistently because the function relies on their alignment to correctly assign labels and titles to the corresponding plots and legends.

For instance, in the example above:

  • The first element in func_col is "sex", and it is aligned with the first set of labels ["Male", "Female"] in legend_labels_list and the first title "Sex" in the title list.

  • Similarly, the second element in func_col, "income", aligns with the labels ["<=50K", ">50K"] and the title "Income".

Misalignment between these lists would result in incorrect labels or titles being applied to the plots, potentially leading to confusion or misinterpretation of the data. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that each list is ordered appropriately and consistently to accurately reflect the data being visualized.

Proper Setup of Lists

When setting up the legend_labels_list, title, and func_col, ensure that each element in the lists corresponds to the correct variable in the DataFrame. This involves:

  • Ordering: Maintaining the same order across all three lists to ensure that labels and titles correspond correctly to the data being plotted.

  • Consistency: Double-checking that each label in legend_labels_list matches the categories present in the corresponding func_col, and that the title accurately describes the plot.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure that the stacked_crosstab_plot function produces accurate and meaningful visualizations that are easy to interpret and analyze.


KDE Distributions
Stacked Bar Plot Age vs. Income


When you set return_dict=True, you are able to see the crosstabs printed out as shown below.

Crosstab for sex
sex Female Male Total Female_% Male_%
< 18 295 300 595 49.58 50.42
18-29 5707 8213 13920 41 59
30-39 3853 9076 12929 29.8 70.2
40-49 3188 7536 10724 29.73 70.27
50-59 1873 4746 6619 28.3 71.7
60-69 939 2115 3054 30.75 69.25
70-79 280 535 815 34.36 65.64
80-89 40 91 131 30.53 69.47
90-99 17 38 55 30.91 69.09
Total 16192 32650 48842 33.15 66.85
Crosstab for income
income <=50K >50K Total <=50K_% >50K_%
< 18 595 0 595 100 0
18-29 13174 746 13920 94.64 5.36
30-39 9468 3461 12929 73.23 26.77
40-49 6738 3986 10724 62.83 37.17
50-59 4110 2509 6619 62.09 37.91
60-69 2245 809 3054 73.51 26.49
70-79 668 147 815 81.96 18.04
80-89 115 16 131 87.79 12.21
90-99 42 13 55 76.36 23.64
Total 37155 11687 48842 76.07 23.93

When you set return_dict=True, you can access these crosstabs as DataFrames by assigning them to their own vriables. For example:

crosstab_age_sex = crosstabs_dict["sex"]
crosstab_age_income = crosstabs_dict["income"]

Pivoted Stacked Bar Plots Example

Using the census dataset [1], to create horizontal stacked bar plots, set the kind parameter to "barh" in the stacked_crosstab_plot function. This option pivots the standard vertical stacked bar plot into a horizontal orientation, making it easier to compare categories when there are many labels on the y-axis.

Stacked Bar Plot Age vs. Income (Pivoted)

Non-Normalized Stacked Bar Plots Example

In the census data [1], to create stacked bar plots without the normalized versions, set the plot_type parameter to "regular" in the stacked_crosstab_plot function. This option removes the display of normalized plots beneath the regular versions. Alternatively, setting the plot_type to "normalized" will display only the normalized plots. The example below demonstrates regular stacked bar plots for income by age.

Stacked Bar Plot Age vs. Income (Regular)

Regular Non-Stacked Bar Plots Example

In the census data [1], to generate regular (non-stacked) bar plots without displaying their normalized versions, set the plot_type parameter to "regular" in the stacked_crosstab_plot function and enable remove_stacks by setting it to True. This configuration removes any stacked elements and prevents the display of normalized plots beneath the regular versions. Alternatively, setting plot_type to "normalized" will display only the normalized plots.

When unstacking bar plots in this fashion, the distribution is aligned in descending order, making it easier to visualize the most prevalent categories.

In the example below, the color of the bars has been set to a dark grey (#333333), and the legend has been removed by setting show_legend=False. This illustrates regular bar plots for income by age, without stacking.

Bar Plot Age vs. Income (Regular)

Box and Violin Plots

Create and save individual boxplots or violin plots, an entire grid of plots, or both for given metrics and comparisons.

The box_violin_plot function is designed to generate both individual and grid plots of boxplots or violin plots for a set of specified metrics against comparison categories within a DataFrame. This function offers flexibility in how the plots are presented and saved, allowing users to create detailed visualizations that highlight the distribution of metrics across different categories.

With options to customize the plot type (boxplot or violinplot), axis label rotation, figure size, and whether to display or save the plots, this function can be adapted for a wide range of data visualization needs. Users can choose to display individual plots, a grid of plots, or both, depending on the requirements of their analysis.

Additionally, the function includes features for rotating the plots, adjusting the font sizes of labels, and selectively showing or hiding legends. It also supports the automatic saving of plots in either PNG or SVG format, depending on the specified paths, making it a powerful tool for producing publication-quality figures.

The function is particularly useful in scenarios where the user needs to compare the distribution of multiple metrics across different categories, enabling a clear visual analysis of how these metrics vary within the dataset.

box_violin_plot(df, metrics_list, metrics_boxplot_comp, n_rows, n_cols, image_path_png=None, image_path_svg=None, save_plots=None, show_legend=True, plot_type='boxplot', xlabel_rot=0, show_plot='both', rotate_plot=False, individual_figsize=(6, 4), grid_figsize=None, label_fontsize=12, tick_fontsize=10, text_wrap=50, xlim=None, ylim=None)
  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the data to plot.

  • metrics_list (list of str) – List of metric names (columns in df) to plot.

  • metrics_boxplot_comp (list of str) – List of comparison categories (columns in df).

  • n_rows (int) – Number of rows in the subplot grid.

  • n_cols (int) – Number of columns in the subplot grid.

  • image_path_png (str, optional) – Optional directory path to save .png images.

  • image_path_svg (str, optional) – Optional directory path to save .svg images.

  • save_plots (str, optional) – String, "all", "individual", or "grid" to control saving plots.

  • show_legend (bool, optional) – Boolean, True if showing the legend in the plots.

  • plot_type (str, optional) – Specify the type of plot, either "boxplot" or "violinplot". Default is "boxplot".

  • xlabel_rot (int, optional) – Rotation angle for x-axis labels. Default is 0.

  • show_plot (str, optional) – Specify the plot display mode: "individual", "grid", or "both". Default is "both".

  • rotate_plot (bool, optional) – Boolean, True if rotating (pivoting) the plots.

  • individual_figsize (tuple or list, optional) – Width and height of the figure for individual plots. Default is (6, 4).

  • grid_figsize (tuple or list, optional) – Width and height of the figure for grid plots.

  • label_fontsize (int, optional) – Font size for axis labels. Default is 12.

  • tick_fontsize (int, optional) – Font size for axis tick labels. Default is 10.

  • text_wrap (int, optional) – The maximum width of the title text before wrapping. Default is 50.

  • xlim (tuple or list, optional) – Limits for the x-axis as a tuple or list of (min, max).

  • ylim (tuple or list, optional) – Limits for the y-axis as a tuple or list of (min, max).



  • If show_plot is not one of "individual", "grid", or "both".

  • If save_plots is not one of None, "all", "individual", or "grid".

  • If save_plots is set without specifying image_path_png or image_path_svg.

  • If rotate_plot is not a boolean value.

  • If individual_figsize is not a tuple or list of two numbers.

  • If grid_figsize is specified but is not a tuple or list of two numbers.



This function provides the ability to create and save boxplots or violin plots for specified metrics and comparison categories. It supports the generation of individual plots, a grid of plots, or both. Users can customize the appearance, save the plots to specified directories, and control the display of legends and labels.

Box Plots Grid Example

In this example with the US census data [1], the box_violin_plot function is employed to create a grid of boxplots, comparing different metrics against the "age_group" column in the DataFrame. The metrics_boxplot_comp parameter is set to ["age_group"], meaning that the comparison will be based on different age groups. The metrics_list is provided as age_boxplot_list, which contains the specific metrics to be visualized. The function is configured to arrange the plots in a grid format with 3 rows and 4 columns, using the n_rows=3 and n_cols=4 parameters. The image_path_png and image_path_svg parameters are specified to save the plots in both PNG and SVG formats, and the save_plots option is set to "all", ensuring that both individual and grid plots are saved.

The plots are displayed in a grid format, as indicated by the show_plot="grid" parameter. The plot_type is set to "boxplot", so the function will generate boxplots for each metric in the list. Additionally, the `x-axis` labels are rotated by 90 degrees (xlabel_rot=90) to ensure that the labels are legible. The legend is hidden by setting show_legend=False, keeping the plots clean and focused on the data. This configuration provides a comprehensive visual comparison of the specified metrics across different age groups, with all plots saved for future reference or publication.

age_boxplot_list = df[
from eda_toolkit import box_violin_plot

metrics_boxplot_comp = ["age_group"]

Box Plot Comparisons

Violin Plots Grid Example

In this example with the US census data [1], we keep everything the same as the prior example, but change the plot_type to violinplot. This adjustment will generate violin plots instead of boxplots while maintaining all other settings.

from eda_toolkit import box_violin_plot

metrics_boxplot_comp = ["age_group"]

Violin Plot Comparisons

Pivoted Violin Plots Grid Example

In this example with the US census data [1], we set xlabel_rot=0 and rotate_plot=True to pivot the plot, changing the orientation of the axes while keeping the `x-axis` labels upright. This adjustment flips the axes, providing a different perspective on the data distribution.

from eda_toolkit impor box_violin_plot

metrics_boxplot_comp = ["age_group"]

Violin Plot Comparisons (Pivoted)

Scatter Plots and Best Fit Lines

Create and save scatter plots or a grid of scatter plots for given x_vars and y_vars, with an optional best fit line and customizable point color, size, and markers.

Create and Save Scatter Plots or a Grid of Scatter Plots

This function, scatter_fit_plot, is designed to generate scatter plots for one or more pairs of variables (x_vars and y_vars) from a given DataFrame. The function can produce either individual scatter plots or organize multiple scatter plots into a grid layout, making it easy to visualize relationships between different pairs of variables in one cohesive view.

Optional Best Fit Line

An optional feature of this function is the ability to add a best fit line to the scatter plots. This line, often called a regression line, is calculated using a linear regression model and represents the trend in the data. By adding this line, you can visually assess the linear relationship between the variables, and the function can also display the equation of this line in the plot’s legend.s

Customizable Plot Aesthetics

The function offers a wide range of customization options to tailor the appearance of the scatter plots:

  • Point Color: You can specify a default color for the scatter points or use a hue parameter to color the points based on a categorical variable. This allows for easy comparison across different groups within the data.

  • Point Size: The size of the scatter points can be controlled and scaled based on another variable, which can help highlight differences or patterns related to that variable.

  • Markers: The shape or style of the scatter points can also be customized. Whether you prefer circles, squares, or other marker types, the function allows you to choose the best representation for your data.

Axis and Label Configuration

The function also provides flexibility in setting axis labels, tick marks, and grid sizes. You can rotate axis labels for better readability, adjust font sizes, and even specify limits for the x and y axes to focus on particular data ranges.

Plot Display and Saving Options

The function allows you to display plots individually, as a grid, or both. Additionally, you can save the generated plots as PNG or SVG files, making it easy to include them in reports or presentations.

Correlation Coefficient Display

For users interested in understanding the strength of the relationship between variables, the function can also display the Pearson correlation coefficient directly in the plot title. This numeric value provides a quick reference to the linear correlation between the variables, offering further insight into their relationship.

scatter_fit_plot(df, x_vars, y_vars, n_rows, n_cols, image_path_png=None, image_path_svg=None, save_plots=None, show_legend=True, xlabel_rot=0, show_plot='both', rotate_plot=False, individual_figsize=(6, 4), grid_figsize=None, label_fontsize=12, tick_fontsize=10, text_wrap=50, add_best_fit_line=False, scatter_color='C0', best_fit_linecolor='red', best_fit_linestyle='-', hue=None, hue_palette=None, size=None, sizes=None, marker='o', show_correlation=True, xlim=None, ylim=None)

Create and save scatter plots or a grid of scatter plots for given x_vars and y_vars, with an optional best fit line and customizable point color, size, and markers.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the data.

  • x_vars (list of str) – List of variable names to plot on the x-axis.

  • y_vars (list of str) – List of variable names to plot on the y-axis.

  • n_rows (int) – Number of rows in the subplot grid.

  • n_cols (int) – Number of columns in the subplot grid.

  • image_path_png (str, optional) – Directory path to save PNG images of the scatter plots.

  • image_path_svg (str, optional) – Directory path to save SVG images of the scatter plots.

  • save_plots (str, optional) – Controls which plots to save: "all", "individual", or "grid".

  • show_legend (bool, optional) – Whether to display the legend on the plots. Default is True.

  • xlabel_rot (int, optional) – Rotation angle for x-axis labels. Default is 0.

  • show_plot (str, optional) – Controls plot display: "individual", "grid", or "both". Default is "both".

  • rotate_plot (bool, optional) – Whether to rotate (pivot) the plots. Default is False.

  • individual_figsize (tuple or list, optional) – Width and height of the figure for individual plots. Default is (6, 4).

  • grid_figsize (tuple or list, optional) – Width and height of the figure for grid plots.

  • label_fontsize (int, optional) – Font size for axis labels. Default is 12.

  • tick_fontsize (int, optional) – Font size for axis tick labels. Default is 10.

  • text_wrap (int, optional) – The maximum width of the title text before wrapping, default is 50.

  • add_best_fit_line (bool, optional) – Whether to add a best fit line to the scatter plots. Default is False.

  • scatter_color (str, optional) – Color code for the scattered points. Default is "C0".

  • best_fit_linecolor (str, optional) – Color code for the best fit line. Default is "red".

  • best_fit_linestyle (str, optional) – Linestyle for the best fit line. Default is "-".

  • hue (str, optional) – Column name for the grouping variable that will produce points with different colors.

  • hue_palette (dict, list, or str, optional) – Specifies colors for each hue level. Can be a dictionary mapping hue levels to colors, a list of colors, or the name of a seaborn color palette.

  • size (str, optional) – Column name for the grouping variable that will produce points with different sizes.

  • sizes (dict, optional) – Dictionary mapping sizes (smallest and largest) to min and max values.

  • marker (str, optional) – Marker style used for the scatter points. Default is "o".

  • show_correlation (bool, optional) – Whether to display the Pearson correlation coefficient in the plot title. Default is True.

  • xlim (tuple or list, optional) – Limits for the x-axis as a tuple or list of (min, max).

  • ylim (tuple or list, optional) – Limits for the y-axis as a tuple or list of (min, max).



  • If show_plot is not one of "individual", "grid", or "both".

  • If save_plots is not one of None, "all", "individual", or "grid".

  • If save_plots is set but no image paths are provided.

  • If rotate_plot is not a boolean value.

  • If individual_figsize or grid_figsize are not tuples/lists with two numeric values.


None This function does not return any value but generates and optionally saves scatter plots for the specified x_vars and y_vars.

Regression-Centric Scatter Plots Example

In this US census data [1] example, the scatter_fit_plot function is configured to display the Pearson correlation coefficient and a best fit line on each scatter plot. The correlation coefficient is shown in the plot title, controlled by the show_correlation=True parameter, which provides a measure of the strength and direction of the linear relationship between the variables. Additionally, the add_best_fit_line=True parameter adds a best fit line to each plot, with the equation for the line displayed in the legend. This equation, along with the best fit line, helps to visually assess the relationship between the variables, making it easier to identify trends and patterns in the data. The combination of the correlation coefficient and the best fit line offers both a quantitative and visual representation of the relationships, enhancing the interpretability of the scatter plots.

from eda_toolkit import scatter_fit_plot

    x_vars=["age", "education-num"],
Scatter Plot Comparisons (with Best Fit Lines)

Scatter Plots Grouped by Category Example

In this example, the scatter_fit_plot function is used to generate a grid of scatter plots that examine the relationships between age and hours-per-week as well as education-num and hours-per-week. Compared to the previous example, a few key inputs have been changed to adjust the appearance and functionality of the plots:

  1. Hue and Hue Palette: The hue parameter is set to "income", meaning that the data points in the scatter plots are colored according to the values in the income column. A custom color mapping is provided via the hue_palette parameter, where the income categories "<=50K" and ">50K" are assigned the colors "brown" and "green", respectively. This change visually distinguishes the data points based on income levels.

  2. Scatter Color: The scatter_color parameter is set to "#808080", which applies a grey color to the scatter points when no hue is provided. However, since a hue is specified in this example, the hue_palette takes precedence and overrides this color setting.

  3. Best Fit Line: The add_best_fit_line parameter is set to False, meaning that no best fit line is added to the scatter plots. This differs from the previous example where a best fit line was included.

  4. Correlation Coefficient: The show_correlation parameter is set to False, so the Pearson correlation coefficient will not be displayed in the plot titles. This is another change from the previous example where the correlation coefficient was included.

  5. Hue Legend: The show_legend parameter remains set to True, ensuring that the legend displaying the hue categories ("<=50K" and ">50K") appears on the plots, helping to interpret the color coding of the data points.

These changes allow for the creation of scatter plots that highlight the income levels of individuals, with custom color coding and without additional elements like a best fit line or correlation coefficient. The resulting grid of plots is then saved as images in the specified paths.

from eda_toolkit import scatter_fit_plot

hue_dict = {"<=50K": "brown", ">50K": "green"}

    x_vars=["age", "education-num"],
Scatter Plot Comparisons (Grouped)