8 Data Dictionary

More information about the CKD dataset can be found here.

# Feature Proper Name Data Type Description
1 age Age numeric age of the patient in years (numeric)
2 bp Blood Pressure (BP) numeric blood pressure of the patient in mm/Hg (numeric)
3 sg Specific Gravity (SG) {1.005,1.010,1.015,1.020,1.025} specific gravity of the urine of the patient (numeric)
4 al Albumin (ALB) {0,1,2,3,4,5} albumin level in the urine of the patient (ordinal: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
5 su Sugar (SU) {0,1,2,3,4,5} sugar level in the urine of the patient (ordinal: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
6 rbc Red Blood Cells (RBC) {normal,abnormal} presence of red blood cells in the urine of the patient (nominal: yes, no)
7 pc Pus Cell (PC) {normal,abnormal} presence of pus cells in the urine of the patient (nominal: yes, no)
8 pcc Pus Cell clumps (PCl) {present,notpresent} presence of clumps of pus cells in the urine of the patient (nominal: yes, no)
9 ba Bacteria (BA) {present,notpresent} presence of bacteria in the urine of the patient (nominal: yes, no)
10 bgr Blood Glucose Random (BGR) numeric random blood glucose level in the patient’s blood (numeric)
11 bu Blood Urea (BU) numeric blood urea level in the patient’s blood (numeric)
12 sc Serum Creatinine (SC) numeric serum creatinine level in the patient’s blood (numeric)
13 sod Sodium (SOD) numeric sodium level in the patient’s blood (numeric)
14 pot Potassium (POT) numeric potassium level in the patient’s blood (numeric)
15 hemo Hemoglobin (HEM) numeric hemoglobin level in the patient’s blood (numeric)
16 pcv Packed Cell Volume (PCV) numeric packed cell volume of the patient’s blood (numeric)
17 wbcc White Blood Cell Count (WBCC) numeric white blood cell count in the patient’s blood (numeric)
18 rbcc Red Blood Cell Count (RBCC) numeric red blood cell count in the patient’s blood (numeric)
19 htn Hypertension (HTN) {yes,no} presence of hypertension in the patient (nominal: yes, no)
20 dm Diabetes Mellitus (DM) {yes,no} presence of diabetes mellitus in the patient (nominal: yes, no)
21 cad Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) {yes,no} presence of coronary artery disease in the patient (nominal: yes, no)
22 appet Appetite {good,poor} patient’s appetite (ordinal: poor, good, very good)
23 pe Pedal Edema {yes,no} presence of pedal edema in the patient (nominal: yes, no)
24 ane Anemia {yes,no} presence of anemia in the patient (nominal: yes, no)
25 class Class ( CKD vs. Not CKD) {ckd,notckd} Anemia class (CKD vs. Not CKD)


M. G. Vijayalakshmi and S. M. Ravi (2015). Chronic Kidney Disease Dataset [Data set]. UCI Machine Learning Repository. https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Chronic_Kidney_Disease